| News & Insight
California’s Efforts to Facilitate Access to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services
Californians, like the rest of the country, are facing significant mental health challenges in the aftermath of the pandemic. The need for new and enhanced behavioral health supports and interventions has come into strong focus in recent years and states are leveraging their Medicaid programs to respond.
Medicaid & Medicare Prepare for the End of the Public Health Emergency
In November 2022, United States Senators Cassidy, Carper, Scott, Warner, Cornyn, and Menendez issued a request for information (RFI) regarding approaches for improving coverage for individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. Dual eligible beneficiaries are more likely to have complex health needs that are difficult and often expensive to treat. Too often, they experience a lack of integration and coordination that often results in confusing encounters with the health care system and negative health outcomes.
Senators Request Public Input to Inform Decision Making on Programs Serving Dual Eligible Enrollees
In November 2022, United States Senators Cassidy, Carper, Scott, Warner, Cornyn, and Menendez issued a request for information (RFI) regarding approaches for improving coverage for individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. Dual eligible beneficiaries are more likely to have complex health needs that are difficult and often expensive to treat. Too often, they experience a lack of integration and coordination that often results in confusing encounters with the health care system and negative health outcomes.
Expert RFI Responses with Potential to Improve Medicare
Over the past few months, Congress and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have issued a wave of new health care-related requests for information (RFIs). These RFIs come at a time when the country is shifting to address deficiencies in the health care system COVID helped to expose.
Health Equity, Quality Measurement, and the Future of All-Payer Data
CMS’ latest Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed rule includes a health equity adjustment to quality performance, suggesting the federal agency recognizes inequities exist among ACOs serving safety-net populations, but is it the right approach?
New CDC Funding Opportunity to Transform the Response to Public Health Emergencies
In response to the clear need for a more robust infrastructure, in September 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will begin awarding nearly $4 billion in grants over a five year period to state and local governments to support strengthening the public health infrastructure, workforce, and data systems.
CalHOPE: A New Sustainable Model of Care
Thanks to tireless advocacy combined with impressive outcomes data, funding was allocated in the California state budget to support the continuation of the program. This is a prime example of how initial federal investments can ultimately lead to long-term sustainability of successful programs.
New Video Series Tells Stories of ACEs Aware in Action
When Aurrera Health launched the ACEs Aware initiative on behalf of the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) in late 2019, we knew we were on the forefront of change.
ARPA Funds are Helping States Shore Up the Health Care Workforce
States are leveraging American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars to support a multi-faceted policy approach to strengthening state health care infrastructure and the health workforce.
Now is the Time: Building Pathways to Resilience Across the Country
Pathways to Resilience will serve as a convenor of state leaders, policymakers, and administrators and offer a forum to collaborate and share best practices with colleagues across the country. We will draw on the wisdom of a Steering Committee of Governors’ First Spouses – chaired by Delaware First Lady Tracey Quillen Carney – who have committed to help champion this work.
Supporting Medicaid Providers in CalAIM Implementation
Last year, Aurrera Health Group teamed up with the California Department of Health Care Services to provide early education and targeted technical assistance for providers on implementing Enhanced Care Management and Community Support services, two key parts of the CalAIM initiative. This experience revealed several promising practices for other states pursuing whole-person approaches to health care delivery.