Supporting ACEs Screening in Montgomery County, OH

Aurrera Health designed and supported the implementation of a protocol to help employees who work with Montgomery County residents to identify youth and families who may have experienced adversity, provide education on the impacts of toxic stress and evidence-based strategies to support healing and resilience, and connect people with services and supports to prevent and mitigate toxic stress. Additionally, Aurrera Health developed educational workshops for youth- and family-serving staff across the county, along with a comprehensive train-the-trainer program to support the ability for in house long-term training.

Project Team

Stephen Palacino

I've worked in marketing and design for 18+ years, and even met my wife (also a graphic designer) while working at an ad agency. She is my balance. We now have two young children and are finally learning the value of sleep.

State Opioid Response


Organizational Assessment and Trauma Training for Ohio Department of Youth Services