Supporting DC Behavioral Health Medicaid Integration in Managed Care
Aurrera Health supported the District of Columbia Department of Behavioral Health as a subcontract to integrate behavioral health services into the District’s Medicaid managed care program. Aurrera Health provided the District with policy analysis, technical assistance, and strategic advice to help ensure that transition plans met the goals of whole person accountability; improved outcomes and better integration of services; and a smooth transition to managed care for beneficiaries and behavioral health providers. This included research and policy analysis on states' experiences with Medicaid carve-ins; managed care concepts, approaches, and potential implications for DBH, individuals receiving services, and other stakeholders; population health improvement; crisis system structure; and organizational structure and development including change management. The Aurrera Health team also drafted materials to inform and support DBH planning and activities around the integration; provided review and feedback of draft materials; and developed communications and presentations for District leaders, staff, and other stakeholders.