Elizabeth Ly

Elizabeth Ly

Deputy Director

Elizabeth Ly

Elizabeth Ly, MPH is a Deputy Director for the Integrated Care team with Aurrera Health Group. She supports clients through project management and research activities and works with the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) on federal behavioral health grants projects on mental health and substance use disorder policy and initiatives and Community Supports with CalAIM.

Prior to joining Aurrera Health Group, Elizabeth was a Senior Clinical Affairs Coordinator with the Society of Family Planning where she managed the Abortion Clinical Research Network, a network of 70+ abortion clinics across the United States that participate in multi-center research studies. She lead research studies seeking to understand the impact of COVID-19 on family planning services, conducted data analysis, and collaborated with clinics and researchers to implement clinical trials. Previously, Elizabeth worked at the University of California, San Francisco’s Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health with OB-GYNs across the United States to support family planning training in academic medicine. She also has experience in the social innovation space from her internship at Hopelab where she worked on facilitating the adoption of a goal-coaching app for low-income first-time mothers. In this role she engaged in ensuring stakeholder buy-in, user experience research, and qualitative data analysis. She also currently serves on the Board of Directors for the UC Berkeley School of Public Health Alumni Association where she promotes student-alumni engagement through networking and social events.

Elizabeth holds a master’s degree in public health, focused on maternal, child, and adolescent health and a bachelor’s degree in public health with a minor in public policy, both from the University of California, Berkeley. In her free time, she enjoys finding the best bites a neighborhood has to offer, trying new foods, playing tennis, cooking, and playing board games with her friends.

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  • MPH, University of California, Berkeley

  • BA, Public Health, University of California, Berkeley


Sophie Leruth


Vimbai Madzura