Billing Better in California’s Medicaid Transformation through CalAIM

California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal, better known as CalAIM, has been receiving national attention for its groundbreaking approach to providing care and access to social supports through the Medicaid program.

The core set of services – Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports – are foundational components of CalAIM and require unprecedented coordination between Community Based Organizations, health plans, and other entities to meet the often-complex needs of Medi-Cal members. Learning how to bill for services can be challenging for providers new to Medi-Cal. Aurrera Health conducted stakeholder interviews with health plan representatives, county providers, and CBOs and developed an Issue Brief and webinar that offer technological and process-oriented recommendations for navigating the Medi-Cal billing process.

Project Team


Preparing for California’s Health Information Technology Data Exchange Framework


Medicaid Estate Recovery in Massachusetts