| News & Insight
REPORT: Substance Use in California: Prevalence and Treatment
The health care system is moving toward acknowledging substance use disorders (SUD) as chronic illnesses, yet only about 10% of people with an SUD in the last year received treatment.
REPORT: Risky Business: California Health Centers Weakened by the COVID-19 Pandemic Prepare for the Future
California’s Federally Qualified Health Centers experienced many financial challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Holding On: Community Health Centers’ Critical Role During the Pandemic
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are a critical provider of health care, particularly for communities of color and Medicaid beneficiaries. It is vital that health centers are financially and operationally stable so they can continue to effectively provide patients with primary care, behavioral health, and dental services.
California is Becoming ACEs Aware: 130,000 Medi-Cal Beneficiaries Screened in Year 1
Since the fall of 2019, Aurrera Health Group has been working closely with the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) and the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to launch the ACEs Aware initiative – a first-in-the-nation, statewide effort to promote screening for early detection of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and mitigate against the health and societal impacts of ACEs and toxic stress.
REPORT: Holding On: How California’s Health Centers Adapted Operations and Care for Patients During the Pandemic
Prepared for the California Health Care Foundation by Aurrera Health Group and Capital Link, this paper identifies several key factors that enabled California’s health centers to manage the financial strain exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to serve patients at a time when accessing health care involved new and unanticipated challenges.
REPORT: Improving California’s Health Care Delivery System for the Child Welfare-Involved Population: Concepts and Considerations
Prepared for the DHCS and CDSS CalAIM Workgroup, this report explores ways to better integrate services, provide a single contact for children, and ensure access to specialty care in the child welfare system.
REPORT: Whole Person Care Promising Practices: A Roadmap for Enhanced Care Management and In Lieu of Services
The enhanced care management benefit (ECM) and in lieu of services (ILOS) proposed under the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) proposal build upon the successes of California’s 25 Whole Person Care (WPC) pilots.
REPORT: How Medi-Cal Expanded Substance Use Treatment and Access to Care
Launched in 2015, the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) is nation’s first Medicaid Section 1115 waiver to expand access to substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services.