Aurrera Health supports two components of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services’ (CMCS’) Technical Assistance and Analytic Support for the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Measurement and Improvement Program through a subcontract: Form CMS-416 technical assistance and the annual Core Sets workgroup process. Our team provides technical assistance and analytic support to CMS and states for the collection, reporting, analysis, and use of annual Early and Periodic, Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) report data (Form CMS-416). The Aurrera Health team identifies data quality issues for CMS and conveys guidance to states in efforts to improve the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of data. Information from the review and analysis of EPSDT data has informed the development CMS and state quality improvement goals.

In addition, Aurrera Health supports the annual workgroup process for reviewing the CMS Child, Adult, and Health Homes Core Sets of Quality Measures (Core Sets) and recommending measures to add and remove to strengthen and improve the Core Sets for Medicaid and CHIP. The Workgroup is composed of voting members from state Medicaid agencies, professional associations, universities, hospitals, and other organizations. The Aurrera Health team attends the annual multi-day workgroup meetings, produces meeting summaries and documents action items, and develops comprehensive reports of the recommendations that emerge.

Project Team


Understanding Substance Use Prevalence in California


Statewide Initiative to Raise Awareness and Responsiveness to ACEs in California